About Me

Over the past decade, I have worked at large, small, and tiny companies as a software engineer. Since I began writing the first lines of code, I started with side projects, and from there until now, I have worked on several projects of all kinds.

In 2018, I launched Suiteshare, an exciting new project. Suiteshare allowed me to correct everything I had done wrong in the past. Through this experience, I have gained a variety of skills, including managing people, resolving growth problems, and negotiating with investors.

Suiteshare was sold to VTEX at the beginning of 2021. For about a year, I worked at VTEX until I left to start side.tech. 

Thesis. I am interested in build:

🤟 Products that solve a difficult, boring, complex problem with an easy-to-use, elegant solution.

📈 Products that help founders with their most diverse daily problems that directly affect the growth of their startups.

👔 Products that help founders win their first customers and grow efficiently.

💰 Products that have a SUPER attractive entry price

🥷 Developing different products for the same audience, because finding new channels for different audiences is very complex.

💳 Products where the CAC of a product dissolves between more than one product.

🚀 Products that can be integrated with each other, and each self-promotes the other.

🆓 Free products to anchor the main products.

Why side tech?

With side tech, I want income sources that don't consume too much of my time, which is why I decided not to invest because I want to move at my own pace. I love seeing projects come to life.

I enjoy learning incredibly different things and immersing myself in the learning process. I want time and a clear mind to dedicate myself to these learning experiences. I have some really cool things I still want to pursue, like learning English and Spanish, taking culinary, woodworking, and drawing courses. Apart from that, there's music, which is one of my passions, and I would like to dedicate more time to it. I also want to build a social project that makes a real difference in some people's lives.

I'm very adept at creating innovative solutions, and I'm quick at turning prototypes into reality. I want to leverage this agility and focus more on that. To do so, I'll need to bring people with more marketing and sales skills into side.tech. This will enable me to focus on product development while they concentrate on growth.

And why did I write this mini manifesto? Because sometimes, in the face of difficulties, I truly forget my purpose.

I don't 

- want to change the world.

- want to build the next unicorn.

- want to be featured on any lists.

- want to get the highest valuation.

- want to do things that don't excite me anymore.

Here's what I want

- I want to spend my time with my wife.

- I want to work on interesting projects.

- I want to travel whenever I want to.

- I want to see my friends frequently.

- I want to stop doing things I hate.

Where do I get inspired?

Do things that don't scale
Reflecting on My Failure...
The Minimalist Entrepreneur

Get in Touch

If you think I can help you or want to know more about a side project, get in touch.


I do it for fun, but if I make money, the fun will be even greater!